3/13/2019 0 Comments Get Real & Get It DoneUnderstanding the powerful Success Coaching principals of follow through & routine![]() Ideas are great, but they are just ideas. In order to make things happen action is essential. I always tell my Success Coaching clients that, “Ideas with out execution, are like seeds that were never planted in the soil.” Each idea is like a seed, which stores great potential. Yet with out the initial action of planting the seed, it will never germinate, sprout or bare fruit. Success Coaching is predicated on the idea that we must not only create an action plan but we must also follow through with that plan in a systematic way. Clients don’t come to a Success Coach because they are failures, but rather because they want to be more successful. Many times the underlying issue for these folks is a lack of Routine and Systems that would help to facilitate their execution strategy. Routine doesn’t sound sexy or exciting, at first. But, if I told you that you could enjoy your work with out feeling frantic or overwhelmed every two seconds, I bet you would be all ears. Success Coaching uses inquiry, feedback loops, and quantifiable measures to help you begin to craft a routine that both helps to facilitate execution and minimize overwhelm. A skilled Success Coach should be able to help craft a individualized, organic and sustainable routine for you to work with, while assisting in making adjustments as you determine what aspects work best for you. Success is only possible with consistent follow through. If we think of our Routine as the car that is getting us to our goal, then Follow-Through is the gas in the tank that makes the car go. Therefore, Routine without Follow –Through, is like planting the seed but not watering it at all. As a Success Coach, I impress upon my clients the incredible importance of Follow-Through. This essential coaching principal is all about being accountable for taking action. Therefore if you are committed to your follow through that means your are prepared to take prescribed action at the specified time, every time; and if for some reason you are unable or unwilling to take that action there is a logical & significant reason. The reason why Routine and Follow Through go hand-in-hand is clear. However, there is a common pitfall that has claimed many dreams. Impatience is like getting sand in the gas tank, the car will breakdown almost immediately as the gas becomes useless. However, it is your Success Coach that will help you to combat that impatience, stay accountable, get REAL and get it DONE! Remember you have to plant the seed, water it and nurture it so that it will grown. Holding it in your hand does nothing, taking the initial action with out any additional follow through still won’t glean the result you desire. You have to have a plan, create a routine to facilitate your continued action, and follow-through! Need help? Contact me! www.AwildaRivera.com . Want more inspiration, and real talk? Listen to my podcast www.AwildaRivera.com/win-life-podcast
2/27/2019 0 Comments The Coaching Mind TrickWhy a Coach can help you Define Success for yourself & how you can jump start the process![]() In the last 10 years the coaching industry has exploded. You may even know someone who has hired a health, life, or business coach. Despite this rise in the industry there are still a lot of questions about coaches actually do. While I can’t speak for the entire industry coaches, I can confidently give you glimpse of what I do. Success can be defined in a myriad of ways depending on who you ask. The challenge is figuring out whose idea of Success you are pursuing. The answer to this question can be hard to arrive at, and even harder to process. In our modern age we are constantly bombarded by stimuli that is attempting to influence our thinking about a multitude of things at once. As a result it is easy to lose track of what we want as individuals, and get pulled into what we feel we should do. It takes a skilled Coach to be able to help a client respectfully and ethically drill down on their own definition of Success. Since we can get caught up in our own narratives its important to have a professional on our side who is focused on helping us sort through the chatter. True success is built on a foundation of self-knowledge that leads to self-actualization. An excellent Coach helps a client identify what they want from a place of understanding their passion and purpose; as well as the client’s individualized “Why”. A Success Coach can be invaluable in the process of getting real, drilling down and creating an aligned organic action plan. Anyone can unintentionally become oblivious to the personal narratives or behaviors that do not align with what they truly want. Coaches can be powerful mirrors that close feedback loops and begin forward-looking, solution based conversations that help clients get unstuck and move towards the success they truly desire. Once a person knows what they are passionate about, feels a sense of purpose in their actions moving forward, and knows Why they are taking these actions they become unstoppable. The great news is that you can get a jump start on this. It may not be obvious at first how you would define success differently from everyone else. However if you finish the three statements below you will at least start to get an idea of how your definition of success could vary from another persons, even someone in the same industry or career path. What you’ll need: A note book Pencil or Pen Some Tea or Water A quiet safe space Your phone on silent When you get all your stuff together, and set up, take 3 deep breaths. Then with out judgment or editing finish the three statements below:
Consider it your first Success Coaching Assignment. Be honest, be brave, and be open to what you write down, it may surprise you. Need help? Ready to take the next step? Visit www.AwildaRivera.com to connect with me. 11/12/2018 0 Comments Yamas 101Yoga offers much more than postures for the body. The dense volumes that contain the texts of Yoga philosophy are rich with wisdom. On the tree of Yoga the Postures are only one branch. The questions becomes: “If Yoga Asana is but a branch, what are the roots of the Tree of Yoga?”
The Roots of the Tree are called The Yamas, they address how one should interact with the World. These precepts provide a basis for the ethical foundation of Yoga. The 5 axioms, classified as Yamas, are steeped in centuries of rational investigation of the truths of being, knowledge, & conduct. The five Yamas are Ahimsa, Asteya, Satya, Asparigraha, & Brachmacharya. Ahimsa, non- harming, speaks to the ideal of non-violence. Ahimsa is most well known as the philosophy of the Ghandi, who rallied his countrymen for independence using non-violent protests in the face of Imperialist aggression. However, Ahimsa is also relevant in the moments when one attempts to force oneself into a physical posture, mental space, or emotional state. The use of force equates to the use of violence. Once I learned what Ahimsa meant, it was easy to identify the many places in my life where I failed to act non-violently. The dozens of times I was in Yoga class and consciously pulled myself more deeply into a forward fold, risking a slipped disk. The awkward moments I forced myself to remain in an uncomfortable social situation when I could have left. Ahimsa provides much needed perspective for Americans who are accustomed to forcing themselves to keep working, exercising, doing and socializing. Asteya, non-stealing is rather self-explanatory. Yet, it is the nuances that are worth noting. Taking something that is not yours is stealing, even when what is being taken is an intangible resource. Time is one of the most highly stolen intangibles. Stealing Time is easy, especially if one is unaware of what is happening. Have you ever been late on purpose to a meeting? Kept someone on the phone longer, so you could keep talking about your problems? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions then you have stolen Time. Our desires cause us to act impetuously, which can result in the mindless theft of tangible or intangible resources so that we can get what we want. The principle of non-stealing calls on us to apply a macro perspective to our actions so as to recognize and put aside our immediate wants, only then can we be sure we are acting with Asteya. Satya, is the principle of Truthfulness. Truthfulness can be mistaken for the idea that you must be brutally honest all the time. B.K.S. Iyengar said it best, “We should not use truth as a club with which to beat other people…Truth has got to be tempered with social grace.” Speak and live your truth, but do so with compassion. As a child I prided myself on being blunt, I ran about volunteering my opinion with no tact or filter. I wrote off those who were offended by my words as thin-skinned. As I aged I realized that speaking your truth does not mean volunteering unfiltered commentary on what is observed, but rather to speak truth is to use your voice to clarify and edify for the overall empowerment of those in your environment. Asparigraha, non-attachment, is one of the most challenging Yamas. In American Society we are programmed to cling to what we desire. The most common example is that of the woman who meets a guy at a bar, and gives him her phone number. If the woman proceeds to check her phone every 5 minutes for the next few days, it is clear that she is clinging to her desired outcome. However, if the woman continues without concern for whether the man will call her, then she is operating in a space of non-attachment. Attachment results in suffering. When we cease to cling to expected outcomes, embrace being present, and act without an agenda we are operating in a space of Asparigraha. Brachmacharaya relates to self-control. In our high consumption society self-control is invaluable, because we are incessantly bombarded with stimuli that arouses our desire to consume. Our country’s mantras are “Bigger is Better” and “One can never have too much”, as a result we are encouraged to ignore our impulses to act with self-control. Empowering ourselves to act with restraint allows us to have control over our desires, so that our desires are not dictating our behavior. Choosing to act with self-control will always minimize the inevitable suffering caused by excess and impulsive decisions. It is my hope that this brief exploration of the Yamas, illuminates some of the key fundamentals of Yoga philosophy for you. Dare to explore these rich roots and see where you may be able to grow. ![]() I had the absolute pleasure of talking about what it means to embody Yoga, Teach Kids and lead Successful Retreats with the amazing Amanda Kingsmith. Her podcast M.B.Om offers Yoga professionals a real look behind the scenes into the business aspect of the Yoga industry. Click here to listen to the interview ![]() You can't manifest something if you believe in nothing.... The two podcast I share below help you to better understand the relationship between Spirituality & Success. The first interview is with Victoria Lynn Weston of AYRIAL TALK TIME. We cover my personal Spirituality Story. Listen to me discuss what it was like to grow up in a household of Shaman, Healers and Psychics, AND how that shaped my business today. The Second Interview, with Alison Beierlein of LICENSE TO RECIEVE, we discuss Setting yourself up for Success by following your Intuition, the phases of Success & the behind the scenes of overnight success. Listen HERE. 12/20/2017 0 Comments Let's get down to Business...
There is so much to do when thinking about taking your professional career to the next level. At times the challenges can be numerous and it can feel like we are never going to accomplish our desired outcome.
HOWEVER - the truth is that every single Successful person you see has at one time been a beginner, taken on incredible odds, and faced self doubt. I had the pleasure of tackling this topics as a guest on a few podcasts over the last year. First up -- Check out my interview with Bryan Teare on his podcast - The Quarterlife Comeback. Listen to us discuss --- Becoming you own Boss, Using small tasks to accomplish big Goals, Healthy Boundaries & Avoidable Pitfalls:
When we face incredibly challenging obstacles - like in my case failing the Bar by a few points after working towards being a lawyer my entire life.... "HOW DO WE KEEP GOING & NEVER EVER GIVE UP???" Listen to Carol Graham & I discuss just that on her amazing podcast: NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE Podcast
What are the Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs & Career Professionals? What are some things that set them apart from the rest? I had the pleasure of sitting down with Diana Gladney of the Passion 2 Business Podcast to answer those questions in detail. The two questions I get asked most often are (1) "How did you do make the change from law to Entrepreneurship?" and (2) "How does Investing in yourself help your business?" The Second interview tackles the age old questions: "Why should I invest in me?", "How will investing in my help me professionally? Personally?" CategoriesAll Infographic Personal Management Podcast Interviews Professional Development Success Coaching Time Ninja Series Under The Bodhi Tree Yoga by Awilda Rivera A deeper dive into one of the most fundamental Success Tips. These tips are shared regularly in the Success Suite - a 100% free closed facebook group lead by me. Interested in more tips and advice around how to use them? Join the Success Suite today! ![]() Whats does “Success” mean to you? Are you already successful? Are there things you still wish to achieve? More importantly, are you clear on your Vision of Success – not only long-term but in the immediate future? The thought of all the work associated with getting clear on your vision may scare you, it may even make you uncomfortable. However, having Clarity of Vision is essential to your success. Let me be clear. I don’t mean that your vision is static or etched in stone. Your Vision can be flexible, it will change and evolve over time. The clarity I am referring to relates to your definition, direction, desire & intent. Success is a big idea. It is very easy to confuse success with the practice of relentlessly striving for more. In order for you to strive for success you must define success for yourself. However, you must be willingly to bravely ask yourself the hard questions:
The answers you get to these questions will help to inform your definition of Success. Once you have an idea of what Success means to you, you can then start to clarify what the reality of Success would look like for you in the short & long term. It may be easier for you to envision the longterm Success – a reality comfortably divorced from your present because so much must be done before you can get there. While it is good to dream big, you must also ground yourself in what the reality of now. The Big Dream (long term vision) helps you get clear on your intention: Ex 1: I want to run a 7 figure business with international distribution and 5-7 employees by 2019. In the example above, the intent to is run a profitable business that reaches 7 figures by 2019, and concurrently expand the company to 5-7 employees in an effort to meet the potential growing needs of that business. The short term vision of Success is critically important. It helps you to begin to identify the little wins that are necessary to achieve your Big Dream. Understanding the Little Wins (short term vision) help you to find the direction that will lead you more easily to your BIG DREAM (long term vision) : Ex. 2: I want to become a trusted expert in my industry, building relationships with influences and brands that can grow my exposure. As I build credibility, I want to release content that support my expert status and draws more people to my brand who wish to engage with brand at a high level through product and services purchases. In example 2, The Little Wins (short term) direction would be to tackle projects that would increase exposure, build brand credibility and position you as an expert. Direction is critical because in order to be able to adjust you have to know where you were originally headed. One of the biggest challenges for Entrepreneurs and Professionals focused on growth is a lack of focused effort. When you are trying so many different approaches at once, it will be difficult for any one approach to gain any meaningful traction. Therefore having a long term vision is good, taking the time to develop your short term vision is essential. Each plays a necessary role in helping you to get clear on your intent & direction. The final factor in establishing a clear Vision is your Desire. You have taken the time to define success, assess what will be required to achieve it , now its time for you to decide if you are willing to commit to it. DESIRE is everything! With out the desire to do whatever it takes, overcome the inevitable obstacles that await, remain enthusiastic, be disciplined and follow through Success will continuously elude you. YOU HAVE TO WANT TO TAKE ACTION! If Desire is missing then the probability of success is significantly decreased, if not completely cancelled out. Think I am being dramatic? Consider this, when was the last time you succeeded at a task or project you had no desire to complete? You may have completed it because you had to for work or school, but was it a success? Did you do your best work? Was it a positive experience? I bet that the answer to at least 1 of these questions is NO. Ultimately, in order to set our selves up to experience Success in a way that satisfies your spirit one must:
Are ready to dive in & get clear? TAKE THE PLUNGE. You have everything to gain and only fear to lose. Feel like you need help with this? Contact me! CategoriesAll Infographic Personal Management Podcast Interviews Professional Development Success Coaching Time Ninja Series Under The Bodhi Tree Yoga
Multi-tasking is the ENEMY!!!!!
At this point you have read Parts 1-3 of this series, and as a result you have generated a plan of attack for the upcoming week’s tasks. The truth is that there is one last Giant to slay before you can execute & implement what you have learned and achieve your desired outcome. This Titan is known by one name: Multi-Tasking.
Multi-Tasking wages an assault on your Focus & Ability to Execute. Success is impossible without Focus & Execution. In our modern era, our focus is under siege. We are constantly being bombarded by external stimuli from our cellphones, data watches, television and social media. Not only do we have to contend with the external stimuli but we have to calm the internal stimuli so that we can harness the full productivity of the mind. I know what your thinking, “Awilda you have never seen me multi-task! I can get ten things done at once with out even breaking a sweat!” Not so, you are risking more then you think….. Here is the Research: Science suggests that Multi-tasking can actually reduces productivity by 40%. [1] While the brain is arguably one of our most advanced organs, it can only really focus on one thing at a time. The truth is our Brains have a finite amount of attention and if we attempt to divide that attention between several tasks, then our brain never fully reaches the optimal zone of activity. [2] Not only that but it can also cause you to make unnecessary mistakes, miss important information and cues. Multitasking has also been show to effect short term & working memory such that problem solving & creativity can be hindered. [3] I know your thinking: “Well how bad could it really be?” One study found that the act of multi-tasking, especially in men, had the effect of lowering the subjects IQ. If it lowered your IQ 1 or 2 points, I wouldn’t even mention this side effect; however, one study showed that Multitasking lowered the subjects IQ by 15 points!!! As a result multi-tasking effectively reduced the subjects intellectual processing ability to the level of an 8 year old child! [4] Doctor Adam Gazzaley, discovered an interesting correlation between Multi-tasking and decline in working memory. One might dismiss the study with the notion that the more we do the more we have to remember; however, Dr. Gazzaley notes, “findings suggest that the negative impact of multitasking on working memory is not necessarily a memory problem, per se, but the result of an interaction between attention and memory.”[5] The truth is to be successful we want to minimize the number of times we have to come back to a particular tasks. The quicker we can knock out a specific task the quicker we can accomplish the true success we seek. CLEARLY…. Multi-tasking is the enemy. Thankfully you have already learned the tactics in the first 3 parts of this series to SLAY THE MULTI-TASKING DRAGON!! I want to share one last tip with you that can really help you to stay the course and avoid slipping back into this dangerous and productivity zapping habit. The O.H.I.O Method -- O.H.I.O. stands for “Only Handle it Once”. Now this does not mean you are going to finish each task in one fell swoop the first time you undertake it. Instead this method helps to underscore all of the previous skills you have learned through out this series. The goal is that each task you intend to work on during a given day has the: only handle it once rule, applied to it. Even if you only plan to spend 30 minutes on a particular task, make sure that is a consecutive & uninterrupted 30 minutes. The O.H.I.O. method helps us remember why we are operating under a singular focus in the moment. It also helps to prevent us from trying to divide our attention and compromise our productivity. Once you are done with a task for the day you, you can move on to the next task with confidence & peace of mind. Now that you have an arsenal of secret weapons to help you stay on Task and maximize your efficiency, YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME A 1st Degree TIME NINJA!!! Remember these tools are always available to you here at www.AwildaRivera.com. Feel free to comeback to the site and review these concepts as often as you need to, share the information with your friends, and apply the tips to how you operate. You will definitely see an increase in efficiency, productivity, and task completion. Did you miss Parts 1-3? Check out the whole series here! THANKS FOR READING!!! Until Next time you TIME NINJAS!!! xo, Awilda Rivera, JD CC RYT-200 [1] http://www.apa.org/research/action/multitask.aspx [2] http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20707868,00.html#you-re-not-really-multitasking-0 [3] http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/multitasking-a-medical-and-mental-hazard-201201074063 [4] https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2014/10/08/multitasking-damages-your-brain-and-career-new-studies-suggest/#681deefb56ee (citing University of London Study) [5] https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2011/04/9676/ucsf-study-multitasking-reveals-switching-glitch-aging-brain
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Welcome back to AwildaRivera.com for the third installment of the Time Ninja Series. In Part 2 we unpacked the difference between urgent & important. Part 2 also shared 3 questions you should always ask yourself when creating your task chronology. Interested in Catching up? Click Here to check out the Infographic, as well as Part 1 & Part 2 of this series.
------------------------------------------------- PLAN – SCHEDULE - EXECUTE. Now that you know how to Identify the important component tasks associated with your Goal, and how to attack them chronologically, it is IMPERATIVE that you understand how to get them DONE. The trick to becoming a Time Ninja is SCHEDULING. I know some of you are out there thinking, “I heard of plan and execute, but how did schedule make it into the mix?” Scheduling is your secret weapon! A plan that fails to be scheduled cannot be efficiently executed. An attempt to execute with out a schedule fails to maximize the plan. The great news is that by this point in the series you have: (1) a plan, (2) you know the tasks you need to execute, and (3) and you know the order you need to execute them in. HOWEVER, you may have no idea how long a task will take to complete. GUESS WHAT? That’s perfectly fine! As you become more familiar with the types of tasks you need to undertake in your business these activities will either become easier, you will outsource them, or you will develop another approach. Here are 5 Tips to help you Schedule Your plan so that you can Successfully accomplish your Tasks: 1. Decide how long each task will take
2. Plan you week in advance and look at the time you have available to work on your goal related activities
4. Review your planner each night and review what you have in the day ahead
In a Nut Shell -- Plan to be prepared or be prepared to fail. Things are always going to come up, you must have a strong foundation with the systems and routines in place that will continue to encourage your growth. If you are struggling with getting things done, give this new system a try. Remember that once you Identify what needs to be done, you can prioritize the tasks and create a chronology of activity. You can then use that chronology to Plan - Schedule - Execute on the completion of the tasks. Until next time guys..... Keep your eyes peeled for Part 4 of this series! Missed Part ONE of the "How to Become a Time Ninja" Series? Read it Here! Missed Part Two? Read it Here! Ready to schedule your 100% FREE Success Coaching Consultation? Click here! ![]() IMPORTANCE IS THE KEY. Welcome back to AwildaRivera.com!! I am super stocked to share Part 2 of the TIME NINJA series with you. In part one we covered how to create Goals and identify the relevant tasks or projects associated therewith. Part 2 will address how to prioritize those tasks in a strategic way so that their completion creates momentum. ---------------------------------------------------- We have all had the thought “I know what to do, but I have absolutely no idea where to start”, this thought can be paralyzing. However, if the way to achieve Success is through constant intentional action, then one can not afford to become paralyzed and take no action. GOOD NEWS – I have a few questions you can ask yourself that can help you to not only prioritize your tasks, but also facilitate the completion of those tasks in a logically progressive manner. BUT FIRST – You need to Understand the difference between Urgent & Important. Putting out fires, thinking on your feet and getting things done in a bind are all apart of the cost of doing Business in 2017. The issue is that those things all fall into the urgent category. Humans are really good at understanding when things are urgent and taking corrective action, for example:
Unfortunately Humans are also really good at putting things off that are not Urgent. Now of course there are things that should be put off until later like catching up on House of Cards, Cleaning your Sneakers, or finishing that book your Father recommended because they are neither important nor relevant to accomplishing your Goal. HOWEVER, when examining the importance of tasks related to the accomplishment of your Goal you should ask yourself these 3 questions: 1. Does the completion of this activity help me make material progress towards my goal?
2. Does this activity have the potential to become urgent?
In a NUT SHELL -- Any task that causes you to answer “Yes” to question 1 is DEFINITELY IMPORTANT. You must be proactive! Its imperative to address any tasks that have the potential to become Urgent in a timely fashion so that you can avoid having to spend time putting out unnecessary fires. Lastly, having a clear understanding of the nature of the task is essential to creating an effective strategic plan for the chronology of activity. Until next time guys..... Keep your eyes peeled for Part 3 of this series! Missed Part ONE of the "How to Become a Time Ninja" Series? Read it Here! Want to grow with the support of a Growth Squad? Check out the Professional Excellence Mastermind – Registration ends May 20th! Interested in signing up? Register Here. Ready to schedule your 100% FREE Success Coaching Consultation? Click here! You can’t control Time
There is always so much to do, especially if you are an Entrepreneur or Career Professional. At one time or another we have all had the following thought, “there is just not enough time in the day.” We are all guilty of trying to control time. Click here for Original InfoGrpahic. News Flash: TIME CAN NOT BE CONTROLLED. Scary thought? Take a deep breath… I am here to tell you that you never have to worry about trying to control time ever again! The first step to becoming a Time Ninja is to understand one noble truth – Tasks can be managed, time can not. Unfortunately most people utilize “to-do” list to manage their tasks. The main issue with ‘to-do’ lists is the absence of structure. The trouble with most humans is that we tend to lump personal, professional & life tasks together on the same ever expanding ‘to do’ list. Since Tasks are the activities that you assign to yourself on a daily basis we must have a checks & balance system through which we screen these tasks before they get added to the list. Goals are great rubrics through which we can measure our tasks. We should be mostly focused on completing tasks that move us close to achieving our stated goals. In order to become a Time Ninja you must be able to identify and categorize your tasks based on your current goals. Here are 4 tips that will help you with get a handle on your task list:
[STAY TUNED FOR PART 2 --- How to Prioritize & Strategize] PROJECTS, PERSONAS & Practical Methods to succeed ----
This month I had the honor of not only doing one but TWO interviews with the incomparable Dr. Gonzalez of the acclaimed EntHead podcast. We tackled some of the Hot Topics in Entrepreneurship, namely (1) Project & Task management for Business Growth, AND (2) How to present an authentic persona on Social Media that helps you build credibility & trust. If you are constantly feeling like you are in the weeds, and the To-Do list keeps piling up then you would probably benefit from listening to this interview: If you are struggling with getting yourself rooted in a real way and presenting your most authentic self on social media then the episode on Social Media is a great resource ---
ENJOY!! If you are wondering whats next in May my guest spots on Women Crafting Success and the NomadTogether podcast will be airing, with a ton of great tips to help you on your Professional and Personal Growth Journey |
Knowledge Share:
Welcome! I am so glad you found this area of my site! It is my intention to share a tone of awesome free content with you all here. Feel free to comment, email or share posts that you enjoy! Thanks for visiting!**All blogs written by Awilda Rivera, unless otherwise indicated therein. |
All Infographic Personal Management Podcast Interviews Professional Development Success Coaching Time-ninja-series Under-the-bodhi-tree Yoga |
July 2019